I like to consider myself a logical person. Most sensible people seem to consider themselves logical.
As an A-type perfectionist, logic is often the easiest and most straightforward path in many situations.
Until it isn’t.
Logic is helpful, but it is not enough to fully support leadership.
Don’t get me wrong, logic isn’t negated in leadership, but in true authentic leadership logic isn’t sufficient.
The ability to lead can be expressed through written and spoken word, yet it can only be fully known by experiencing it.
Think about it - what is the most important and least consistent component of leadership? If you answered “people,” you are correct.
An authentic leader fully utilizes, encourages, and incorporates people around them into daily activities. This cannot be done solely based on logic.
When is the last time your logic consistently matched the logic of the five closest people in your sphere of influence? Exactly.
Leadership is behavior that enacts and tests logic.
A leader uses logic to determine next steps; as next steps are taken, the responses of those on their team, how it corresponds to personal values, and how it supports (or does not support) the organizational mission determines if the logic is to be used in the future.

Leadership is learned by receiving, acknowledging, and then acting out the implications of leadership toward others. So the more I behave, or act, like a leader, the more I am a leader. It will then be embedded in the muscle memory.
At first it’s awkward, and it’s even difficult. It is akin to practicing a new instrument for an hour or two a day, but then after weeks, then months, then years, muscle memory takes over and you’re naturally performing as a leader.
You can’t learn to be a leader rationally, logically, or by deduction. You have to throw yourself into it.
Keep logic, as it is foundational, but don’t solely depend on it.
You’ve got to experience and “do” leadership to be a leader.